Textile Business Support
Gesellschaft für Unternehmensentwicklung b.R.
Wir sind ein unabhängiges Beratungsunternehmen mit lang-jähriger praktischer Erfahrung im Bereich der Textilveredlung. | |
We are an independent consulting company with longterm experience in the area of textile finishing. Our projects distinguish oneself through tight cooperation with the customer to develop individual and comprehensive solutions. | (c) 2007-2012 |
We are a member of VDTF - Verein Deutscher Textilveredlungsfachleute
Powerful partners are in a global industry vital key factors of success. Through grouping of knowledge we guarantee an optimal benefit of all resources. Please visit the web sites of our partners:
TexPro Consult- Consulting for Textile Processing
TechTex-Solutions - Lösungen mit Technischen Textilien
Our Partner in India and Spinning/Weaving-Specialist
Our Trading Partner